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Open Government Advisory Group

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Establishment - Open Government Advisory Group - Mayor's Order 2016-094

Mayor's Order 2016-094
June 9, 2016

Originating Agency: Office of the Mayor

By virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the District of Columbia by section 422(11) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973, 87 Stat. 790, Pub. L. 93-198, D.C. Official Code§ 1-204.22(11) (2014 Repl.), it is hereby ORDERED that:


I.  Establishment

     There is hereby established the Open Government Advisory Group ("Advisory Group") within the executive branch of the government of the District of Columbia.

II. Purpose

The Advisory Group shall:

1. Evaluate the District government's progress on making the District government more open, transparent, participatory, and collaborative;

2. Make specific recommendations for improving the openness and transparency of the District government's operations and the participatory and collaborative nature of its decision-making; and

3. Specifically with respect to open data:

a. Evaluate the District's progress towards meeting the requirements of the District's open data policy; and
b. Make recommendations for improving the openness and transparency of District government data.

III. Functions

A. The Advisory Group shall:

1. Provide  a forum  for  agencies  and the  public  to  share  best practices  to promote openness and transparency in the operations   of the District government and to increase public participation, and collaboration in the District government's  decision-making processes;

2. Provide  a public forum for receiving  input on the goals of the District's open government policies, including input from the general public, information  technology  entities,  nonprofit  organizations,  and individuals that use government data;

3. Specifically with respect to open data:

a. Identify and recommend additional categories and types of government data that should be published online;

b. Make  recommendations to the Mayor, the Chief Technology Officer, and Chief Data Officer regarding:

i. Criteria for agency identification of datasets to be published online and criteria for prioritizing their publication;

n. Categories of data that should be restricted from disclosure because  such  data,  if  disclosed,  could  raise  substantial privacy, confidentiality, or security concerns or could jeopardize the public health, safety, or welfare, or for other reasons;

iii. Methods to ensure that datasets are regularly  updated and archived; and

iv. The types of open formats that should be used for published data; and

4. Undertake other duties as assigned by the Mayor or the City Administrator.

B. The Chairperson of the Advisory Group shall publish the recommendations of the Advisory Group on the District's  Open Government website.other duties as assigned by the Mayor or the City Administrator.


IV. Membership

A. The  Advisory  Group  shall  consist  of  the  following  twenty-four  (24)  voting members, who shall be appointed by the Mayor:

1.The City Administrator, or his or her designee;

2.The Chief Technology Officer, or his or her designee;

3. The Chief Data Officer of the Office of the Chief Technology Officer, or his or her designee;

4. A representative of the Executive Office of the Mayor;

5. Each of the five (5) Deputy Mayors, or their designees;

6. The Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, or his or her designee;

7. The  Director of  the Office of Open Government within the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability, or his or her designee;

8. The Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia, or his or her designee;

9. The Mayor's General Counsel, or his or her designee;

10. The  Director  of the  Mayor's  Office of  Legal  Counsel, or  his  or her designee;

11. The Attorney General of the District of Columbia, or his or her designee;

12. The Chief Librarian of the District of Columbia Public Library, or his or her designee; and 

13. Eight (8) public members who have an interest in government transparency, open data, and enhancing the public's access to government data.

V.  Terms


A. Public members of the Advisory Group shall be appointed to serve a term of three (3) years, except as provided in paragraph B of this section, and shall serve until their successor is appointed.

B. A  public member appointed to fill a vacancy in an unexpired term shall be appointed for the remainder of the unexpired term and shall serve thereafter until his or her successor is appointed.

C. A public member of the Advisory Group may be reappointed but may serve no more than two (2) consecutive  terms. For the purposes of this  provision,  a member appointed to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term of more than two (2) years shall be deemed to have served a full term.

D. Members who are  appointed based on their positions within the District government shall serve only during their tenure in those positions.

E. The Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, or his or her designee, shall serve at the pleasure of the Chairman.

F. The Director  of  the Office  of Open  Government,  or his or her designee,  shall serve at the pleasure of the Director of the Office of Open Government.

G. The Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia, or his or her designee, shall  serve  at  the  pleasure  of  the  Chief  Financial  Officer  of  the  District  of Columbia.

H. The  Chief  Librarian  of the District  of Columbia  Public  Library,  or his or her designee,  shall  serve  at  the  pleasure  of the  Chief  Librarian  of  the  District  of Columbia Public Library.

I. The Mayor may remove any member of the Advisory Group for failure to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Advisory Group.



VI.  Organization

A. The Mayor shall appoint the Chairperson of the Advisory Group, from among the voting members, who shall serve in that capacity at the pleasure of the Mayor.

B. The Mayor shall also appoint  a Vice Chairperson of the Advisory  Group, who shall  be responsible  for the open data purposes and functions  of the  Advisory Group and who shall serve as the acting Chairperson of the Advisory Group in the absence of the Chairperson;

C. The Advisory Group may elect other officers as it may deem necessary, and may determine  its own bylaws and rules of procedure, subject to the approval of the Mayor or his or her designee.

D. The Advisory Group may establish such subcommittees  as it deems appropriate. Any subcommittee must be chaired by a member of the Advisory Group although it may include members of the public and District government employees who are not members of the Advisory Group.


VII.  Meetings; Quorum

A. The Advisory  Group shall establish its own meeting schedule,  but the Advisory Group shall meet not fewer than four (4) times a year.  Meetings of the Advisory Group shall be held in the District at such times and locations as are designated by the Chairperson.

B. Each meeting of the Advisory Group shall be open to the public and shall include a period  of time  for the public to comment  on issues  being considered  by the Advisory Group.

C. The Advisory Group may utilize telephone or video conferencing technologies to satisfy the District's  Open Meetings Act requirements.

D. The Advisory Group shall, when practicable, webcast live on the Internet all of its meetings   and  archive  its  meetings   on  its  own  website   or  another  District government website.

E. A quorum  for  the purposes  of conducting  business  shall  be a majority  of the voting members of the Advisory Group.


VIII.  Administration

A. The  Office  of the City  Administrator  and the Office of the  Chief  Technology Officer shall provide technical and administrative support to the Advisory Group.

B. The Advisory  Group may, at the request of the Chairperson, request information or technical support from any District government agency.


IX.  Compensation

       The  members of  the Advisory Group shall serve without compensation. However, reasonable expenses of the Commission may be paid from the budget of the Office of the City Administrator or the Office of the Chief Technology Officer, when approved in advance by the Office of the City Administrator or the Office of the Chief Technology Officer, respectively, subject to the availability of appropriations for that purpose, and shall become obligations against  funds  designated for that purpose, when sufficient budget authority exists to allow payment.

X.  Conflicts of Interest

       The Advisory Group shall develop procedures to guard against conflicts of interest for its members. These procedures must guarantee that no member of the Advisory Group shall participate in any way in the consideration of decisions that are likely to provide a direct financial benefit to that member or otherwise give the appearance of a conflict of interest under District law or regulations.


XI.  Rescissions

Mayor's Order 2014-250, dated October 29, 2014, is rescinded.



          This Order shall become effective nunc pro tunc to January 12, 2016.

S/ Muriel Bowser               June 9, 2016

S/ Lauren C. Vaughan      June 9, 2016