4 pm - 5:30pm
John A Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW #G-9, DC, 20004
1. Welcome and Introductions
a. Welcome new public member, Tiffany Crowe!
2. Roll-Call
3. Public Comment
4. Review and approval of meetings minutes from:
a. 4/6/2017
5. Discussion of ‘Make DC a Leader in Open Government’ priority goal
a. review of strategies and measures
b. discussion of strategic focus for upcoming year
6. Decision on upcoming schedule: should OGAG host a meeting in August
or break until September?
7. Decision on location of holding future meetings
Office of Mayor Muriel Bowser
John A. Wilson Building | 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 300 |
Washington, DC 20004
8. Data policy implementation update
9. Data Publishers Toolkit update
10.Next Steps