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Open Government Advisory Group

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Mayor's Order - Open Government Advisory Group

The purpose of the group is to “evaluate the District’s progress towards meeting the requirements of the Transparency, Open Government and Open Data Directive (Mayor’s Order 2016-094 issued in June); and make specific recommendations for improvements.”


Duties of the Open Government Advisory Group

  • Evaluate the District's progress on and make specific recommendations about improving information access.
  • Evaluate progress on and make specific recommendations about implementation of the District's data policy.
  • Make specific recommendations about best practices for open data and access to records.
  • Make recommendations about specific datasets/records that should be made available.
  • Provide a public forum for doing the above work.

Upcoming Events

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Open Government Advisory Group Meeting - February 27, 2020

Last Date:

Meeting location change to Wilson Building 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 5th Floor room 507


This will be first meeting of reconstituted board with several new members.

  • Introductions
  • Mayor’s Order
  • The History of OGAG
  • What to Expect
  • Next Steps and Discussion


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